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Romance Studies

Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Dual Major)

Course image
Regelstudienzeit 6 semesters
Beginn Winter semester
Zugangsbeschränkung Ja
Unterrichtssprachen German , Study language
Credit Points / Leistungspunkte

Subject A: 78 CP + Subject B: 78 CP + integrated Degree: 12 LP + Bachelor’s Thesis: 12 CP = 180 CP

Course description

  • What Romance languages and dialects are there?
  • What differences are there between the Romance languages due to regional and social factors?
  • What are the different literary genres?
  • How can literary works be analysed and interpreted in a sociocultural context?
  • How are literary works treated in the media? 
  • How can you analyse theatre and film adaptations of literary works?

You will be confronted by these and many other questions in the Romance Studies (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese) degree. Your chosen language can be combined with a second, non-romance subject or a second romance language. You will learn various academic methods and acquire the skill to read texts critically, independently and judge them clearly, and also write your own academic texts. You will also acquire other valuable key skills. You will practice problem-solving strategies in different areas and thus acquire the abstraction skills that you will require in many different professions.

Areas of focus for Romance Studies in Cologne

  • Linguistic and cultural history
  • Language in a social context
  • Dialectology
  • Computer-aided analysis of language data (Corpuslinguistik)
  • Grammar theory
  • Edition philology
  • Literature from a media studies perspective
  • Latin American literature
  • Romance film culture