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Master's degree application

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities offers a wide range of Master's programmes with many opportunities to deepen the knowledge acquired in the Bachelor's programme and/or to specialize within a particular subject area. Especially in the Master's programme, it is worth taking a look at the subject overview, as many subjects provide additional study specializations and further offers.

The information given here always provides information for the Master of Arts degree. If you are interested in a Master of Education (M.Ed.), you can find all relevant information on the teacher training portal and at the Centre for Teacher Training (Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung, ZFL). The application for degree programmes of the Faculty of Human Sciences is also handled via KLIPS but with different authorities.

Applications for the summer term 2025 are not possible anymore.

Applictions for the winter term 2025/2026 will probably start 2 June and end 15 July. The application for the programme Culture and Environment in Africa will probably start mid April 2025.

In your own interest, apply as soon as possible. With an earlier application you will get a possible admission earlier which makes it easier for visa and other formalities.

Applicants with international degrees must first have their documents pre-reviewed at uni-assist before they can apply via KLIPS. This preliminary review documentation (VDP) at uni-assist is possible all year long, does not refer to a specific programme and has to be carried out in advance and should have been handed in to uni-assist at the latest four or six weeks in advance to the deadline. The application will then also be processed via KLIPS with this preliminary review documentation. If you do not get the documentation by uni-assist in time, you have to apply for the next possible term.

There are changes in the programmes : We offer a new programme 1- and 2 subject master Medienästhetik der Deutschen Literatur and a new English taught master Knowledge and Society (department of Philosophy) . The German taught master Deutsche Sprache und Literatur and the German taught Master Antike Sprachen und Kulturen/Judaistik will no be offered anymore.

English Studies (German knowledge is mandatory on DSH 2 level) and Ethnologie has changed to Social and Cultural Anthropology, and is taught entirely in English and requires a minimum grade of 2,3). With the application for the winter term, North American Studies requires a minimum grade of 2,5 (!)

Please check also the pages of the International Office for the application.


Please keep an eye on the website throughout the entire application and admission process, including up to enrolment. Current changes cannot be ruled out and can be found here.
