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Social and Cultural Anthropology

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Regelstudienzeit 4 semesters
Studienbeginn Winter semester , Summer semester
Zugangsbeschränkung Ja
Unterrichtssprache English
Credit Points / Leistungspunkte

Subject: 90 CP + Master’s Thesis: 30 CP = 120 CP

Course description

The Master's programme in Social and Cultural Anthropology, as a one-subject Master’s programme provides in-depth research-oriented training in a cultural and social science that deals with human culture in general and individual cultures in particular on an empirical basis. The traditional focus of the discipline of Social and Cultural Anthropology is on rural non-European cultures and societies. These are still the focus of attention today, but in recent decades urban and industrial societies have increasingly come into view, and one’s own society has also become an important topic. Reade more about the Master's programme on the department's homepage.

Course advice

The Departmental Advisors are available to answer subject-specific questions.
You can contact the Interdisciplinary Student Advisory Service if you would like to receive interdisciplinary advice, have specific questions, e.g. about subject combinations, recognition, change of location/transverse entry or graduation - or if you do not know who to contact with your questions.