General Information
We are the inclusive PeerSupport. We offer support by students for students for your studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Our focus is is inclusion: Feel free to contact us if you have questions regarding studying with a disability, chronic illness, mental illness or neurodivergence.
Vanessa Noppenberger (she/her) is our inclusion tutor and provides information and advice. We are collaborating with different student groups, associations and institutions at the university to further develop initiatives in the area of inclusion. Thereby we can help you find the information and contacts you are looking for.
Consultation Hours for Students
Are you looking for guidance for an inclusive academic experience? In our consultation hours, we work with you to find solutions and relevant support services. We are also happy to inform you about the various resources available at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and the University of Cologne:
- What advisory and support services are available at the University of Cologne?
- How does the disadvantage compensation work, and what do I need to do to receive it?
- What networking opportunities are available for students with disabilities, neurodivergence, chronic, or mental illness?
- What workshops are offered for studying with disabilities, neurodivergence, chronic, or mental illness?
- What rights do I have as a student with disabilities, neurodivergence, chronic, or mental illness?
Vanessa Noppenberger has personal experience with managing her studies with a physical disability. If you have any questions or need advice, she offers consultation hours covering all the topics mentioned above. If you’re interested, feel free to reach out via email at to schedule an appointment.
For Lecturers: A Short Presentation in Your Course
As teaching staff of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, you are welcome to invite us to give an 8-minute presentation in your course, informing students about the inclusion services available at the University of Cologne. If you are interested, please reach out by email to with details on the time and location of your course.
Reporting Barriers and Experiences of Discrimination
Contact us if you encounter barriers in your daily university life at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (e.g., broken elevators, missing accessible restroom keys, lacking guiding paths, or a general lack of accessibility).
If you experience discrimination within the university context, you may reach out directly to the University of Cologne's advisory and complaints office. Liaison lecturers are also available as initial points of contact.
You can get in touch with us via
You’re Not Studying at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities? Here’s What Might Be Relevant for You:
At the bottom of this webpage, you’ll find resources available to students from all faculties.
There is also a dedicated Peer Support program at the DHR within the Faculty of Human Sciences, and other faculties are working on establishing similar Peer Support programs.
Additional resources and contact points:
Websites and information campaigns:
- Interactive Flyer for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities: Discover a range of inclusion services
- emPower: Support for studying with mental health challenges
- ZEIT Campus Guide on Mental Health
- EUniwell:
- Healthy University Cologne: Services for mental and physical well-being.
- Newsletter:
- Interactive Campus Map:
Important Contact Points:
- Inclusion Service Center: Information, accessible work- and relaxation spaces, exchange between student. Email: inklusion
- SoS-Referat: Studieren ohne Schranken (= Studying without Barriers) , autonomous assocation for an open exchange and initiatives in campus politics.
- More “Referate”: You can find more autonomous associations here: Website of the AsTA (= general student association)
Further Information on Our Project:
During its first phase (09/2023 until 08/2024), our projec was funded by the Inklusions-Projekt-Fonds and ist accompanied by Dr. Daniela Frickel, Nathalie Weber and Sabrina Schumacher.